

Users can stake their ETH and start earning rewards in just 3 simple steps. Simply connect your Ethereum wallet and:

  1. Navigate to the Stake page

  2. Input how many validators you wish to create (in multiples of 32 ETH)

  3. Sign the transaction in your Ethereum wallet

And you're done!

Stakewithus's ETH staking platform is non-custodial and users are responsible for securing their own private keys. Users risk losing control of their validators, staked ETH and rewards if their withdrawal address is compromised.

When will I start earning rewards after staking my ETH?

Newly deposited validators will only start earning rewards after they become active. This takes:

  • the entry queue, based on the number of validators entering the system

  • 2048 blocks (6 hours 48 minutes) to ensure that deposits do not end up on a reorged block

  • 64 epochs (6 hours 48 minutes) before a validator can start voting

Assuming no entry queue, the minimum delay before a validator starts attesting is therefore 13 hours and 36 minutes.

An estimate of the activation time for new validators based on current network conditions can be found on the Stake page. You can check the estimate for a specific validator in the Monitor -> Validators tab by clicking on the "Details" button for that validator.

Why do I need 32 ETH to create a validator?

Each validator has to be secured by 32 ETH, a requirement is imposed by the Ethereum network. Visit the Ethereum FAQ for a more detailed explanation.

Interested in earning yield with less than 32 ETH or staking on other blockchains? Check out our Unagii platform for more yield and staking solutions across multiple blockchain ecosystems.

Last updated